Friday, August 6, 2021

holiday recont

In the holidays me and my cousins and aunty and brother went to Rainbows End. We went on the night

rides, my cousins and me went on the roller coaster .Then we went to the motel. My cousins went home and my aunty and brother and my mum went to my house. We got sushi. 

Me and my aunty went horse riding. My horse tried to run because my auntys horse ran. After horse riding we all got ice cream . Me, my brother and my mum went to Coopers Beach. My brother and me went on the rocks then we all went swimming. We all drove home then me and my aunty and brother went to town to get donouts. Then we went to the train park. I went on the slide then I went on the monkey bars .Then we went home and we ate lunch. Then we watched a horror movie, it was called the devil made me do it. Then we went to beachcomber. We ate fish and steak and chips.  After that we went to the crystal shop. Then we all went home and my mum got pizza while we played tag. After pizza we played hang man then we all drove to the beach. Then we all drove to my nans house. It was a good holiday.


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